Mid-February, Nokia officially presented their first smartphoneinto the Indonesian market, which is the fruit of theircollaboration with Microsoft. There are two variants which theypresent to the Lumia Lumia 800 and 710.
If Lumia 800 is positioned as an upper-class smartphone tocompete with the iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S2 4S, Lumia710 is positioned to the middle class are seeking segmentsfeatured smartphone that is sufficient to meet thetelecommunications needs of daily life.
Both use the latest operating system for smartphones made byMicrosoft that Windows Phone 7.5 (Mango). No longer usesthe Symbian platform so far so you are the Nokia. So, what is offered by Microsoft and Nokia duet on Lumia 710, one of theirMango smartphone Windows Phone?
Design and Features
In terms of design, it is not as pretty as 710 Lumia Lumia 800series is designed with no corner notched. But for the sake ofpersonalization, Lumia rear casing 710 can be replaced as desired users. Nokia also provides an additional backplatewith a variety of shades.
To view, by 3.7-inch multitouch screen that is used feels right.Not too big nor too small. Moreover, the screen with CorningGorilla Glass protection is also able to produce a pretty goodresolution, ie 480x800 pixels.
This screen also featured Nokia ClearBlack Display. Nokiaclaims, with this technology, even though the phone is in usein the middle of the day in the sun, on-screen display can still be seen clearly.
In terms of features, the most exciting in Windows Phone 7.5 Mango, this smartphone is the People Hub. This way, users can gather all their friends on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or complete with their contact information from the phone number or email.Interestingly, every update they do on social networks can be directly shown here. Similarly gallery photos of them on Facebook, can also be directly viewed through the People Hub. Obviously if the phone is connected to the Internet, either via WiFi or 3G/HSPA. The contact such as email or phone number can be directly contacted with ease.From the application side, which is owned Marketplace Microsoft did not provide too many application options, when compared with aplkasi already available for IOS or Android.However, existing applications of the various categories are provided, we value enough to meet the needs of everyday users.Just like the Microsoft operating system for PC desktop, shortcut, shortcut applications can be installed in the 'desktop' or mobile homescreen. The difference, shortcut icons are constantly updated according to the activity that occurs in the application in question.PerformanceLumia Nokia 710 Qualcomm MSM8255 chipset is reinforced by Snapdragon, 1.4 GHz processor speed, as well as chip-based GPU Adreno 205. This specification is powerful enough to make the phone feels responsive when used.A number of applications, although used by multitasking mode can be processed smoothly. Similarly, when the phone is used to play various games from the Xbox Live service provided by Microsoft. Dozens of game we were trying to download 8GB of internal memory available to run smoothly without any lag felt.If used for gaming, the standard battery Li-Ion 1300 mAh (BP-3L) used was not capable of supplying power for a full day of use. But if the phone is only used for browsing, exchanging email, or interact in social networks, in general, the battery can supply power for one day.In Indonesia, Nokia Lumia 710 is marketed by holding the operator XL Axiata. In the bundle we tested this time, internet service has been provided for 3 months, with a quota of 1.2 GB per month. When we try, internet speed varies from 101.65 kbps to 866.79 kbps for download, and 45.13 kbps to 55.43 kbps for upload. But of course, the speed of data connectivity, either via WiFi or operator services, depending on the location and density of the surrounding tissue.

From the side of the camera, users can access it directly at any time via a button on the right side. Resolution images can be captured is 5MP with a 4:3 ratio or 16:9 ratio 4MP if you want. The camera also supports macros, and also the effects of ISO to 800. Although there are LED flash, as we try, the available camera is not very capable, especially for shooting in low light conditions. Fortunately, there are auto-fix feature to boost the camera shots.
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